Rabu, 24 Desember 2014

I Feel The Nation's Presence Abroad...*

narsis bareng mie goreng.....
There was a meeting between five students from Indonesia who are studying theology at the interdiocesan school of theology in Reggio Emilia with two members of the Indonesian embassy to the Holy See/Vatican, Pak Agil and Pak Guritno. The meeting was held in the mother house of the Xaverian Missionaries in Parma, Italy, on Dec. 11 and it was the first time they came to meet us since we were here.

The aim of this meeting was to socialize the concerns of the Indonesian government through its Foreign Ministry in protecting the right and facilitating or helping some needs of Indonesian citizens who live abroad, in this case, in Italy. They said that it was their task or work to facilitate and guarantee some protection for Indonesian citizens abroad. How do and how did they implement this promise or initiative?

If an Indonesian citizen has a problem or has a legal problem in this country, the embassy to the Vatican will follow and accompany the process so that the case will be processed rightly and justly. In that case if that person has some difficulties in expressing himself or herself in Italian the embassy will provide a translator.

bung Gordy lagi ngisi data.....
In regard to facilitating the needs of some citizens, they gave a true example of what they had done during the earthquake in Aquila some years ago. Some of our citizens had suffered because their houses where they lived had fallen and the embassy visited them and gave them some basic needs. There are some services they provide and undergo for the citizens of Indonesia, like the extension of passports, the renewing of databases and some other services.

They insisted that in realizing this initiative or program they needed our collaboration, which means that we have to inform them who we are, where we live and what activity we are doing here. Such information will facilitate them in undertaking their services. Indeed, Parma was the last city they visited for introducing this program after visiting our fellow citizens in Milano, Modena, Napoli and some other cities in Italy because there are more than 1,500 Indonesian citizens listed under the administration of the embassy.

Personally, I am proud of them and admire this visit and the initiative of the embassy in establishing good protection for Indonesian citizens.

In this initiative, I found and I felt the nation’s presence and concern regarding our rights and at the same time the nation’s responsibility to take care of and guarantee the rights of Indonesian citizens abroad.

depan rumah induk Xaverian, Parma
Therefore, protection for Indonesian citizens abroad still needs to be improved further. The violations against Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia and in some other countries where they work reveal the urgency of this kind of service and protection. This is the task that the nation has to do for its people. It is the responsibility of our government to respond quickly to protect its citizens whoever they are and whatever their jobs are.

Ferdinandus Supandri
Parma, Italy

It was published on “Your Letter” of The Jakarta Post, Tuesday, December 16 2014 without these three pictures. It can be found here: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/12/16/your-letters-i-feel-nation-s-presence-abroad.html 

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